
Cities, Acquisitions, Latin America

Written by OriginClear Staff | Sep 19, 2019 9:08:22 PM

Happy Thursday!

OK so we know that water quality is a problem in many US cities. But how can we be most effective in helping? The answer: do what you already do best.

You can watch my MoneyTV report here, but here's the basic story:

Start with water stations!

Turns out our team is building specifications for premium water kiosks for a prospective commercial customer. The units look great and are HIGHLY affordable.

Now, I have great admiration for Jaden Smith's approach, installing water stations in churches in Flint, Michigan. What a brilliant idea! (link)

And so by emulating his example, we have a way to bridge over from our commercial business to the nonprofit activities we are planning (link).

And... we still have the new consumer products in the works in our Lab!

Back on the acquisition warpath

Bill Charneski and Marc Stevens have lit up prospective acquisitions again. (As always, no guarantees but we have a great, willing company and a way to make it all happen.)

Hear more about it in tonight's CEO Briefing.

What am I doing here?

(Click Image to Expand)

This is the busy port of Cartagena, Colombia, in the rain, today.

There is a lot going on for us in Latin America: after many months of discussions, we're coming close to a major regional partnership with a well-funded partner.

One key element is manufacturing. Latin America is a growing source of quality, cost-effective manufacturing for itself, and the USA.

I'll be discussing that too, today... Again, there are no guarantees we will succeed, but we are well along in the process.

So... You owe it to yourself to join me on today's briefing! If you miss it, we will have a summary up on that page by the weekend, but the live phone call is so much more interesting...


Riggs and Team


Riggs Eckelberry
President & CEO
OriginClear, Inc. (OCLN)

PS: don't forget to Sign up for my WEEKLY CEO Briefing at 5pm Pacific, TODAY. Maximum 100 listeners!