
New Coverage Targets Improper Trading

Written by OriginClear Staff | Apr 29, 2013 6:46:14 PM

Good morning!

Buyins.net Initiates Coverage

We're grateful to analyst Tom Ronk for his report, announced today, exposing the rampant shorting of OOIL stock that has been going on for many months now, at times exceeeding 70% of the daily stock volume.

You can read the full report here. It is pretty amazing. He will issue one every month now.

We retained Buyins.net to begin policing abuses of our stock. However, we did not endorse or approve the release, which is Buyins' content completely.

In his proposal to me, Tom said:

Riggs, the service protects OOIL from BEAR RAIDS. Once the short sellers and market makers start to attack OOIL and drive the stock down we report illegal and manipulative trading EACH DAY it occurs. FINRA, SEC and the Whistleblowers office receive our SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY reports automatically.

Here are a few excerpts from the report:

Starting in early 2010 short sellers have aggressively shorted OOIL. Shorts have continued this activity which warrants close investigation. Buyins.net will report the results of its surveillance on a monthly basis.

The data we provide is extremely useful for OOIL for the following reasons:

  1. Stop naked short selling in shares of OOIL
  2. Break the market maker hold on Level II box causing so much price friction
  3. Our SqueezeTrigger Reports that cross newswires and are sent to our 750,000 users help break the rest of the shorts
  4. Discourage new short sellers from shorting your stock
  5. Stop the negative perception that dropping stock price places on normal day to day business operations
  6. Combined all of these facets help to stop the daily drain that the short attacks have on the company.

Perhaps, now, we can look ahead to fairer treatment in the markets.

Last Week's "Sully" Show Posted

We've created a Big Biz Show archive, so you can catch last week's show here, if you missed it.

This is a great format, longer than most, so I get a chance to really talk about our company's work and progress.

We have an evolving positioning of our technology, and it's discussed right at the beginning of the interview:

Sully:    When we go on the site... we see the word algae, we see the word oil and gas. Those are three words I don't see in one sentence very often.Talk to us about that — what do you guys do?

Me:       Well, we have a saying, 'it's the water, stupid!'

This is the century of remeditation, we're cleaning it up everywhere. We messed it up, now we get to make money cleaning it up.

All right, so OriginOil has technology for extracting both the good stuff and the bad stuff out of the water.

The good stuff, algae, for example, which becomes a fuel, chemicals etc., or the bad stuff such as ammonia in fish farms, and especially, most exciting is this frack water, which of course is a real problem...

(You'll want to watch the show to see what I have to say about fracking in California... my prediction is that it will happen, but under very stringent regulations that will demand very efficient water cleanup. Good for us!)

Coming Soon...

OK! I've run out of room again, and I do want to talk about algae.

Jose Sanchez just had a HUGE success, he got a standing ovation at the European Algae Biomass 2013 (peek at his presentation here), so I want to report on that. It's really exciting.

And, I still owe you that report on the $5 million initial sales opportunity in algae! Very important to our immediate future.

So I will be back again this week.

Stay tuned!

Riggs and Team

Riggs Eckelberry
President & CEO
OriginOil, Inc. (OOIL)

OriginOil Rolls Out its Oil and Gas Water Cleanup Systems (video)