Today’s Paycheck Will Never Buy You More Than Now
This graph says it all.
In just 20 years, we’ve lost nearly half of the value of the dollar.
It’s sad, really.
And given the trillions being airlifted into the economy, I don’t think we will see any relief.
So… what to do?
I’ve got some insight to share from probably the best-informed analyst in the world today.
And I will give concrete recommendations in my Zoom CEO Briefing at 5pm Pacific, 8pm Eastern this Thursday.
The most obvious one? Use the power of that dollar you have, right now. But at the same time, you don’t want to lose that precious cash!
I’ll cover it all. Just click here to register… You really owe it to yourself.
The long-promised celebrity guest
I’ve been teasing you for weeks about a VIP guest, but he lives in Europe, which made it very hard to connect for an interview.
Well, the interview is in the can, and I think you will find it fascinating!
So join me at 5pm Pacific, 8pm Eastern THIS THURSDAY. Just click here to register!
Yours in water,
Riggs Eckelberry
President & CEO
OriginClear, Inc. (OCLN)
Make sure you’re signed up for my Live CEO Briefing THURSDAY! 5pm Pacific, 8pm Eastern… Sign up now!