The Toxic Boom, Photos on Facebook
From: Riggs Eckelberry
Los Angeles, June 4, 2012
Good morning!
We’ve been publishing a stream of photos to OriginOil’s Facebook Page. Scroll down and check out a video shoot we did last Friday in the lab…
We’ll keep it coming, so be sure to Like that page!
The New Toxic Boom
There’s an oil boom going on in North America. New hydro-fracturing (“fracking”) techniques are getting the oil and gas out of “tight wells”, and petroleum is being made from shale in the Bakken formation and in the Athabascan tar sands.
Natural gas production is a huge surplus right now. In fact, US supplies may reach physical storage limits this summer, potentially triggering massive dumping. The incredibly low prices are a bonanza for natural gas users.
“Only Tailpipe”
Back in January, John Drayton, who runs vehicle technology at LA Metro, shared a panel with me at the VerdExchange conference.
For John, nothing competes with natural gas in his buses.
Why? Because right now, he’s only being judged on tailpipe emissions, and natural gas can burn quite clean… great for LA smog. And — it’s one-third the cost of diesel.
Sure, natural gas is very dirty if you track it all the way from the well! But at that price, it is very hard to turn down.
The downside of all this
Concerns of earthquakes in Ohio and the UK, well blowouts and water contamination following fracking operations aren’t stopping the industry.
So fracking is spreading fast in North America, and spreading to other countries too. “Argentina sounds, looks and smells very much like West Texas,” says an oil man.
And in Canada’s Athabasca, tar sands exploitation will eventually destroy an ancient forest the size of Florida. Shale is quite dirty, too.
The toxic boom
Because states are persuading themselves to let fracking go on, they will create a booming market for cleanup.
The good news is that algae can absorb CO2 and toxic chemicals. You’re talking a huge environmental sponge, which grows fast… and then needs our process to get all that water out!
And on top of it, we seem to be be very good at cleaning up all frack water quickly, and without chemicals.
So as you can imagine, it’s very hectic at OriginOil these days. The toxic boom (ironically) has us very busy. It’s good to know at least that algae, and OriginOil, can help.
Have a great week!
Riggs and team
Riggs Eckelberry
President & CEO
OriginOil, Inc. (OOIL)
OriginOil Signs Initial Agreement to Commercialize Its Oil and Gas Production Water Recovery Process