Show ‘n Tell on Al Jazeera America
Good morning!
On The Stream last week, anchors Lisa Fletcher and Wajahat Ali asked me to show them how technology could help the industry reduce water contamination.
I explained that, in fact, the oil industry can save money by treating and reusing water!
And to their delight, I brought a piece of equipment in studio to show how our technology can help.
Here is a screenshot from the interview!
And… what about that big Al Jazeera show?
Yes indeed, the TechKnow show did air, two weekends in a row, to an estimated 250 million homes worldwide!
It is a REALLY GREAT, and informative news segment that shows off our process in depth. But the network hasn’t published it on the web, so we can’t publish it either.
Stay tuned!
What’s with the price of oil?
Oil prices are falling. Most analysts see this as a game of “chicken” between OPEC — and the North American producers who are in a fracking boom.
So this week on the Big Biz Show, host “Sully” Sullivan asked me how this affects OriginOil. (Watch the show here.)
It’s actually positive, and here’s why.
The first reason is simple: water management costs between $1.75 and $26.75 per barrel of water!*
That cost might be acceptable with oil at $100, but it sure sticks out when the price falls.
Any savings on water saves producers money, dollar for dollar.
This is a powerful motivation to do something NOW.
The second reason is: areas that just starting to frack, are recycling water from Day One!
That’s true in the Middle East, where our first big sale was driven by very progressive water regulations in Oman.
That’s also true in China, where pollution is becoming very illegal. We are moving quickly there… Expect an update soon on that front.
Meanwhile, enjoy the rest of your week!
Riggs and Team
Riggs Eckelberry
President & CEO
OriginOil, Inc. (OOIL)
* Shale Play Water Management Magazine, Sept-Oct 2013, Page 22