President Trump and Clean Water
Good morning!
We’ve had a big win in Kern County.
This is the biggest single county in the USA for oil production. These are big oil producers.
They are even BIGGER water producers! They bring up, on average, ten barrels of water with every barrel of oil.
California’s farmers and residents could sure use that water… but only if it is absolutely clean.
We recently proved that we, and our licensees, can do that. Read a sneak preview of our report here.
Our technology is on TV!
Wednesday, local station KBAK’s Eyewitness News just featured Professor Luis Cabrales of Cal State University at Bakersfield. (He and his students are in their second year of working closely with us.)
Watch the TV report here: “…Cabrales and his team are using cutting-edge technology by the company, OriginClear.” (fast forward to 2:55 for this quote)
President Trump and Clean Water.
Backed by both houses of Congress, our President-elect favors aggressive expansion of oil and gas production.
That’s well known.
What’s less known, is that he intends to invest heavily in clean water.
Here’s his position:
“Everyone deserves clean air and safe drinking water regardless of race or income. Water infrastructure will be a big priority.”
It’s great to know our President-elect supports the water revolution.
Here it is in greater detail:
“Make clean water a high priority. Develop a long-term water infrastructure plan with city, state and federal leaders to upgrade aging water systems. Triple funding for state revolving loan fund programs to help states and local governments upgrade critical drinking water and wastewater infrastructure.”
From Bakersfield, California to Dallas, Texas — We’re ready.
If you’re in the US, have a Happy Thanksgiving… and stay tuned!
Riggs and Team
Riggs Eckelberry
President & CEO
OriginClear, Inc. (OCLN)