Australia Grants Earliest Patent, More Media News
Good morning!
Australia Grants Earliest Harvesting Patent
April 2009: three months after Nicholas Eckelberry discovered Single Step Extraction™, we filed our first patent on the process.
As we continued to learn more, we filed more patents — to date, more than a dozen in this area alone. They are at various stages of the US and international filing and granting processes.
Now Australia has officially granted that very first patent! Take a look — here it is.
We will continue to diligently build our intellectual property portfolio, and report back to you as we reach these milestones.
Back on MoneyTV
We’re back on MoneyTV! The first episode is being taped tomorrow, to air in the USA beginning Saturday, October 6th through October 13th.
It’s also repeated on several channels in the US and the Caribbean, and in Western Europe and North Africa, plus Asia.
If you know how it works, the first episode is the major report. Then 12 weekly updates.
What I like about it is that every week, we get a chance to discuss OriginOil’s latest news in a relaxed interview format. A great way to inform you, at a very reasonable cost.
Of course, I will make sure you see every update right here!
Photoshoot Day at OriginOil
If you’re one of the more than 11,000 people who have Liked OriginOil’s page on Facebook, you might have seen recent shots of the Algae Appliance, being taken for a particular major magazine article (shhhh!)…
Last week was the second session in the series — both photo and video. I thought you might enjoy these candid shots as the team put it all together.
(Check it out, our equipment being boxed up for shipment to the Department of Energy’s Idaho National Lab…)
Today, we’re shooting live algae harvesting, and also petroleum-contaminated water cleanup!
The Power of Facebook
Speaking of Facebook, I was driving down the road last week and saw… our very own CLEAN-FRAC™ Mobile Lab, retooled to go out there and test our new oil and gas cleanup process in the field!
So I took a snapshot and uploaded it to OriginOil’s Facebook page. Spent the price of a meal to promote it.
That photo has been viewed by more than 17,000 people in just one week.
Enjoy the rest of your week.
Riggs and team
Riggs Eckelberry
President & CEO
OriginOil, Inc. (OOIL)
OriginOil to License its Process for the Oil & Gas Market