A Cool New Animation
Good morning!
Those “animated hand” videos are all the rage.
Now we’ve created one for the oil industry! Check it out here.
You see, we believe the petroleum industry can be a “good neighbor” by helping to reuse all the water used in production.
More and more people in the oil and gas industry agree.
Fracking uses water, sure.
…but more water comes out of a well, more and more as a well gets older; so much that some say that the oil and gas industry harvests water with a by-product called oil! |
Either way… whether it’s trucked in for fracking, or comes pouring out of the formation, that water can be recycled.
The cool part is that operators can save money by recycling.
This video drives the point home that in these tough times, every dollar of cost per barrel is worth saving.
Check out the animation!
Mergers and Acquisitions.
As you recall, we expect to acquire profitable companies in waste water treatment, creating a “Family of OriginClear Companies”.
At last count, we had found 79 companies in the USA, of which we consider 31 to be “in our wheelhouse”, as they say.
We’ve been reducing the list quickly.
Then there was one.
Our own Bill Charneski has done a great job of scouting a winner, and I’m very happy with our candidate.
I expect to be able to announce some great news soon, so stay tuned…
Meanwhile, have a great week!
Riggs and Team
Riggs Eckelberry
President & CEO
OriginClear, Inc. (OOIL)