OriginClear News

Finance Digest | CEO Riggs Eckelberry of OriginClear Discusses the Power of Intuition in Running a Successful Business

Written by Third Party News Source | Jun 9, 2022 11:13:59 PM



by Connor David

It is often said that a CEO of a company’s main role is to make a small number of high-quality, impactful decisions to dictate the direction and success of the business. All the easy stuff usually gets handled before it hits your desk. You must be decisive, strategic, and forward-thinking – all things associated with being a top CEO. But an often-overlooked trait that is key in these dial-moving decisions, is having a strong intuition.


As Riggs Eckelberry, founder and CEO of OriginClear, put it, “intuition is being willing to recognize what is important without overthinking it. In other words, beyond the constant and sometimes numbing data flow that I get as a CEO (what Elon Musk calls “chores”), certain key data stand out, and you only will spot them if you use intuition. Behind intuition is a deep familiarity with the business you are in.” Great advice for those that have been in business a while, but what about those getting their start-us off the ground? Riggs adds, “If you are new to the business, then be sure to stay connected to a mentor or a veteran of your industry to get the “smoke signals” that this person will recognize.” 



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