OriginOil Names Paul Reep as Senior Technical Advisor
– Energy Veteran Will Drive Partnerships, Implement Best Practices –
Los Angeles, CA – May 12, 2008 – OriginOil, Inc. (OTCBB: OOIL), the developer of a breakthrough technology to help transform algae, the most promising source of renewable oil, into a true competitor to petroleum, announced today that Paul Reep will serve as Senior Technical Advisor. In this role, he will develop partnerships, implement best practices and help build the technology team.
“Reep is a veteran energy technologist who will help OriginOil deliver on its promise of delivering significant breakthroughs in algae-to-fuel technology,” said Riggs Eckelberry, OriginOil’s Chief Executive Officer. “His exceptional record in private and public sector enterprises, along with his academic experience, will prove invaluable as we move toward the next phase of our corporate development strategy.”
Reep, a veteran of the U.S. Department of Energy, Lockheed Martin, Rockwell-Boeing, Bechtel and EG&G, currently is a member of the licensing team at the Stevens Institute for Innovation at the University of Southern California, where he works directly alongside researchers and scientists to identify and develop patent and licensing opportunities for USC inventions.
“OriginOil’s work to optimize the process of algae growth and product extraction is quickly making algae oil and biomass production economically feasible,” said Reep. “By enhancing the effectiveness of each facet of the process, OriginOil has ‘cracked the code’ that will bring the commercial implementation of this renewable energy source well within reach.”
Reep’s extraordinary achievements span decades and he has a number of “firsts” in the technology arena. He’s been a director and CTO in three public companies, has formed and funded several start-ups, and has launched products in Europe, Asia and Australia. Reep also spearheaded a multi-agency initiative aimed at commercial conversion of defense and energy-related technologies for Agri-business.
A petroleum engineer by formal training, Reep’s technical background includes alternative technologies, with coal, oil, and agricultural feedstock utilization. He has patented numerous innovations in physical and life sciences, and has licensed his technologies to Fortune 200 companies. He has held several governmental advisory positions including the White House National Science and Technology Council, which focused on environmental sustainability and alternative fuels development; the Presidential Business Advisory Council; and the National Academy of Sciences, Board on Agriculture. For more information on Paul Reep, go to: