OriginOil Launches OriginClear Product Line For Petro and Waste Water Cleanup
New product line to incorporate and replace earlier CLEAN-FRAC branding for oil and gas water cleanup
Los Angeles, CA – March 25, 2015 – OriginOil Inc. (OTC/QB: OOIL), developer of Electro Water Separation™ (EWS), the high-speed, primarily chemical-free process to clean up large quantities of water, announced today the launch of its OriginClear™ product line for all waste water treatment, including oil and gas water cleanup.
The new product line will incorporate and fully replace the company’s earlier CLEAN-FRAC™ and PRIME product line, while also extending into waste water treatment.
Under the OriginClear brand name, OriginOil will offer OriginClear Petro for oil & gas systems, and OriginClear Waste for systems to treat industrial, agricultural and urban waste water. EWS, the company’s core technology, will continue to be available for licensing.
“We expect that system manufacturers will continue to private-label our technology,” said ‘JL’ Kindler, OriginOil Chief Commercial Officer. “Meanwhile, end-users and resellers who want an immediate and complete solution should consider OriginClear-branded products for either Petro or Waste applications.”
“While frack water gets the headlines, there’s even more produced water gushing out of oil wells the world over – often as much as ten barrels of water for every barrel of oil,” said Bill Charneski, President of OriginOil’s Petro Division. “OriginClear is our new umbrella brand that shows our customers we can clean water for wastewater cleanup, including produced and frack flowback water in oil & gas.”
“Our entry into the Waste sector required a comprehensive brand name, and this works very well,” said Riggs Eckelberry, OriginOil CEO. “It says exactly what we do, which is to remove the oils and suspended solids in water and make it virtually clear!”
The algae harvesting product line will continue to operate with the newly-released Smart Algae Harvester brand name.
On 25 February, OriginOil announced that it had entered the commercial phase for its Petro, Algae and Waste applications.