The Pilot Launches!
Our Water on Demand pilot officially launched… Will the date go down in history as the start of the Second Water Revolution? Ken gave us a brilliant presentation of how a pay-per-gallon micro asset class will transform the entire water industry. And could $H20™ be the water coin that changes the world? Find out in here.
Transcript from recording
Show Host — Riggs: Welcome to our webinar, the Water is the New Gold CEO briefing. Our mission is to transform the water industry.
OriginClear Chief Engineer: Decentralization offers us this opportunity.
Major Financier: The plan that you’ve built here is super impressive.
Investor: The world is seeing a crisis in regards to water. It’s a great opportunity that you’re giving us investors.
Investor: Not too many CEOs do a weekly briefing and are willing to talk to individual investors.
Riggs: Good evening, everyone. And if you’re wondering about this background, it’s where we moved to over the last few days and the place is a mess with with cardboard boxes. But it’s marvelous. They, the developers built a condo development around a working marina, which makes it really kind of cool. So I’m going to switch it back to the standard one, but I thought you’d enjoy. It’s actually just a loop of what I see out of our front window. So with that, I’m going to switch to the standard thing. Just I thought, you’d have fun watching this. And here we go. All right. Let me switch on the share and get on with the business at hand. Welcome everyone. We have a great crowd tonight. Thank you for joining us.
All right, so. Water is the New Gold, and it’s our weekly show, “Helping you thrive in the world’s ONLY vital, scarce and recession-proof market.” So and it’s increasingly becoming so, as you will see shortly.
And of course, it’s available in Spanish in real time, so enjoy if you are a Spanish speaker.
The usual safe harbor statement we always anticipate, believe, estimate, may, intend, expect, plan, et cetera. And we do our very best to measure up to that.
In the News
I am going to show you the latest press. YFS magazine, “OriginClear CEO, aims to enact change amid global water crisis.” That just came out today, and I have a chat. Ok, good. And. Here it is. So in reaction to the challenges resulting from climate change, this is a very important focus. Outsourced water programs can help us boost our water recycling while ensuring clean water solutions.
And it talks about the company what our goal is. It talks a lot about my background. When I started out, I was basically working for the fun of it, and that led to eventually my believing that technology was the key to the future.
And here I am in a recent photo shoot that was taken down the road in Clearwater. I don’t wear that tie often, but I was wearing it that day. And then, you know, talking about how to build a team, which we’re very happy with, we keep building a better and better team. How disruption works? No, you’re not going to go work for a company, stay your whole career, retire and get your gold watch. That’s over.
And we’re building Water Company 2.0, right? So how do we fix the major water issues? Well, it’s by creating a different culture, and that is what this is about. There’s really no other alternative. Innovative technology and financing opportunities is the key. And finance.
So in the use of blockchain technology to ensure that payouts occur in a digital currency that can be swapped that may eventually lead to a market, that’s our dream. It may take a while. But in the meantime, it’s going to give us a lot of value.
And pre-funded water equipment being the future. One step close to our mission of tackling the global water crisis that was written by Melissa Moraes in South Florida and YFS magazine, very, very good and much appreciated. All right. Well, I’m going to welcome Mr Ken Berenger on the show.
Welcome Ken
Ken: Hello, hello.
Riggs: Hello. And are you are you a voice without a face?
Ken: No, I actually have a face. I’ve always had it. But I have a face for radio as they say,
Riggs: Well, so you’re going to be Charlie on the speakerphone?
Ken: Well, no, I turn my camera on, but I haven’t been granted the power.
Riggs: Oh man, that’s good. That he’s good.He’s good.
Ken: I’m on it. I’m on it. Is this thing on? Is this OK? There we go. Maybe. Right?
Riggs: Yeah, yeah. Well, you know, it helps to turn on the movie. Ok, so yes. So what happened today to 3:20 p.m. Eastern?
Ken: Yeah. So it was our second consecutive monthly kind of group virtual money show. Um, there were thousands of folks that attended this over a four day period. Great audience. I, you know, I wouldn’t have thought of doing this thing a year ago, but we’ve matured, especially in the. And I don’t know how much you’re going to share about what we’ve done. I think you’ve put out some information on it. What we’ve just done just on in the last week or two, we’ve matured now where we can appeal to. There’s really something for everything in what we’re doing right now, from asset investors onto folks that want that really dream type upside.
So I was able to speak on that as a kind of a holistic approach to the company, not specific series, which is generally supporting the company and being part of, you know, essentially helping us create that disruption, you know, supporting, you know, the company operations, but also being part of the asset class all in one in one context and one kind of a homogenous investment. And I think it was extremely well received. I got some nice compliments from Mike Marino and the guys. But then again, they work for us, so I think they’re supposed to be nice to me.
Riggs: No, but he would be. You’d be less nice if it weren’t great. So this was the Novembers streamed thing. And here’s your listing right here. And this is the world’s first portable pay per gallon water treatment company is now funding and operating, so we’ll be talking about that.
And so what I’ll do now is we don’t have the actual recording from the show yet. So what I thought we’d do is have you play act, role play? And so let’s let’s jump right into this. And so. You have you have the mike and I will simply now I’m going to tell you also that there there is there are chats that occurred which will we’ll review after the after the replay. But if you’re ready, I’ll go ahead and press play on this thing.
Ken: Hang on one second. I didn’t know I I thought I was advancing it. That’s fine. I’ve just got to get myself situated. I’m on the wrong screen. Ok, all right, yeah, so so what I did was I started with an introduction and I said, Look, you’re going to hear a lot about our version, my version, our vision, how I describe what we’ve created from a finance side, rollout plan. But it’s important to understand this is not a concept on paper that these are these are systems that are in process operating and fulfilling the things that we wanted them to do. So here’s look, there’s dozens of ways that we can treat virtually all water on the planet. This is just one specific type. And let me show it to you. And it’s it’s probably what our audience is familiar with, but it got them a chance to see that this is already in operation. So go ahead.
Start of video presentation
Dan Early: We are on site at the mobile home park and we are installing the Pondster™ 30K biofilm, bioreactor system as part of an upgrade to the lagoon treatment system that’s been in service here for over 50 years.
This is a classic example of what decentralized wastewater utilities look like 50 years ago. Not much has changed if you don’t have access to public sewer. You have to provide your own onsite wastewater treatment.
Riggs: : Back in 2020 when we were working on rolling out Modular Water Systems product line our good friends told us that they had a problem with their mobile home park in Alabama.
All through the South, trailer parks have very crude sanitation. Basically, all the poop goes into a pond, that’s it. It just sits in a pond. And if you’ve ever driven by one of these trailer parks in the south and you’ll see there’s a like a green pond over there, that’s what it is.
Dan Early: The lagoon system is a passive treatment system, has been in operation for about 50 years. Recently, the state of Alabama has imposed certain permit improvements and permit requirements.
Riggs: The Department of Environmental Protection in Alabama and elsewhere are trying to upgrade everything, and they’re requiring landlords to do something about it.
Park Manager: For the last four years, that has been really difficult for me to maintain the proper discharge and is tested once a month. We have not been able to meet the demands of ADEM Alabama Department of Environmental Management,
Riggs: So they were going to have to build something themselves. This is what I mean by forced decentralization. More and more businesses are being forced to do their own treatment because the central infrastructure is totally overwhelmed in this country and elsewhere. And so they needed a solution. And it’s so happened that our brilliant Dan Early, the chief engineer, has a great technology.
Dan Early: A porous, low temperature fired, highly porous ceramic that can hold 80 percent of its volume in water.
Riggs: Think about putting a coral reef all these surfaces right and the dirty water comes through and the bacteria just eats it away.
Dan Early: So if you had a 12 inch by 12 inch by 12 inch cube of this material, which is very lightweight, it would have an effective surface area of 900000 square feet per cubic foot.
Riggs: This product is called the Pondster, Pond Monster. Over time, you just park it by the side of the pond and run a tube through and over a period of weeks or months, pond just becomes clear.
Dan Early: The Pondster system, the treatment methodologies and the treatment capabilities that we are promoting, these are going to be next generation technologies that are going to allow us to deliver much more cost effective treatment solutions and equipment packages to those decentralized customers that need it.
The decentralized world is the future when it comes to wastewater. The large, centralized municipal public utilities, they are committed to the path that they started down a hundred years ago. But when you get into regions where they don’t have public sewer, but there is a need for a wastewater utility and then decentralization offers us this opportunity to deliver these technologies so that you can accomplish the three things that are most important to decentralized wastewater. First off, its affordability. Second thing is sustainability. And the third thing is durability.
Riggs: I can’t wait to showcase this for the rest of the mobile home park industry and then looking at really heavy pollution and looking at animal farms. And so it’s becoming a really interesting product of Modular Water Systems.
Dan: When you commit to a decentralized wastewater utility system. You don’t want to be thinking five, you need to be thinking 50 years, 75 years, 100 years. And that is the vision and the mission that we have with the Modular Water Systems program and in products like the Pondster 30K system.
End of video presentation
Ken’s presentation continued:
Ken: So they took what I tried and what I emphasize is, look, if you’re asking me, do we make stuff just for human lagoon waste? Of course not, then there’s a variety of containerized systems that can essentially handle 95 percent of all wastewater everywhere. This was just one example that was, you know, very ubiquitous here in the U.S. that, you know, we can have a huge impact.
But look, a couple of key takeaways in what was mentioned there forced decentralization. Now it’s happening regardless. So why not embrace it? Why not build an entire company around the capability for anyone to completely bypass any infrastructure anywhere like you saw next to that pond? There is no infrastructure. So we built that capability several years ago.
The next critical step? And the way to also globalize this disruption is to eliminate the big CapEx, right? Eight out of 10 small businesses and eight out of 10 remote communities won’t be able to absorb that anyway. So you make it easy, you make it painless where paying for treatment is much easier than paying fines. We’re just polluting, right? And 6000 children don’t continue to die every day.
So that’s the plan. Now what this will do is transform the entire water market by making it all a pay-per-gallon, micro-utility asset class. Now, because of the features that I’m going to describe later. I think it’s going to be one of the favorite asset classes to folks out there who want alternatives to oil and gas and commercial real estate, so move to the next.
So what we’re going to review today is, you know, how the global water crisis, how it’s getting worse, how we solve it without spending trillions of taxpayer money, ensuring that the solution I, you know, benefits from this thing thrives during inflation, OK? And our disruption truly is a game changer, wealth creator.
We’re not on the paper anymore. We’re in the field in revenue, scaling up big time and how the global water market can be created through a digital currency model. So that’s what we’re covering. We can just move on to the next.
So no one needs to be told that there’s a global water crisis, right, but when you look at decentralizing everything that has decentralized in the past, Netflix, Amazon, all of those different models, right? They have, the ones that went first, every one of them to a man has become a multibillion dollar company. The ones that went first. I can make the case how we could. We could do it.
We can do that in water and where the effort to do so potentially prevents millions of illnesses and deaths. Go ahead. So look, everyone, no one needs to be told there’s a global water crisis, everybody knows it. It’s getting worse by the day. 80 percent of all wastewater is dumped directly into water into waterways. No treatment whatsoever because there’s no infrastructure. There never will be.
I’ll explain why three billion people live under severe water distress, largely because eighty four percent of the world’s freshwater is consumed by and polluted by agriculture and industry. So the idea is fix it there, fix it at that point, and it proves everywhere dramatically.
Another key point big part of the reason that massive infrastructure for water, conveyance and treatment will not happen is the collapse of our own taxpayer funding here in the United States. It’s fallen on the private sector, so you’ve gone from sixty three percent down to nine percent. The private sector has taken up the slack, but they can’t print money, they can’t levy taxes. They need a more nimble, less capital intensive strategy and we’ve developed it with.
It requires no heavy infrastructure. So we know that fixing the world’s water through heavy infrastructure would mean millions of miles of pipes and digging millions of holes and trillions of dollars. And that’s just as impossible today as millions of miles of wires and trillions of dollars of telecom infrastructure was in places like Africa and Asia 20 years ago. Yet as we sit here today, two billion people are connected to cellular telecom on those continents through decentralization. So what’s the solution? Doing to water what Cellular did to telecom. I go into Riggs. I go into your your article.
The article dated November, October 4th in, going over it from an innovator standpoint, the second slide is key. I right here, you know, essentially, if we put the responsibility of wastewater treatment on the producers of wastewater, not government who basically punish offenders and siphon the capital away, doing that, you’ll solve the problem.
Now this when you mentioned earlier, if you eliminate the very expensive pipeline, we’ve already developed that modality. Additionally, we removed all barriers to deploy it. More on that in a second. You make a comment here at the end of your, at the end of this slide, just go back one, and you say, you know, it’s it’s by, it’s by making the right investment today, our children, their children, have safe water to drink. Future of the water treatment needs to be decentralized.
Now what that is, that’s much of a part of a longer conversation what Riggs is not saying. Usually, when you hear the word investment used in the same sentence as infrastructure, it means taxes or it means, God forbid, even worse, printing money.
We’ve done the exact opposite. This is a pure private sector, asset driven, investor driven, you know, micro utility asset class. So because of this, because of the appetite out there, it also creates rap. It creates an opportunity for very, very rapid deployment and colossal wealth creation opportunity. So moving on to the next, you’ve got your graph.
And what I say is, look, this Riggs stated in the article that businesses can responsibly own water treatment efficiently. That little mobile home park is one of tens of millions of businesses whose only solution, by the way, would have to arrive in the form of a portable drop and go system. And we have it.
So not only is the total decentralization of water a once in a lifetime growth event, but water rates exploding faster than ordinary inflation, as you saw in the previous graph, tying the pay per gallon model to water rates in this new decentralized asset class could very well end up being one of the single best defenses against what is now, not coming inflation, but it’s here.
Making that asset class really, really appetizing to trillions of dollars of capital out there in the form of asset investors looking for a great alternative to real estate, oil and gas and et cetera. You’re a couple of slides ahead of me. So what we do know is currently, there’s millions of locations like that mobile home park that we can serve immediately. They have one common problem, one common denominator that needed to be overcome, they lack the capital, so we fix that.
Ok, so let’s do. Let’s just do a quick recap. So the technology to treat water in places without infrastructure already exists. We have it, as do others. So if we turn it into an asset class that’s not funded by taxation or printing money, it’s funded by investors looking for good, solid principle, protected high yield investments. There’s much more appetite and much more capital out there eager to earn and hedge with that asset class. Then more than money you could ever pull out of people or extract out of them through taxation right now.
You’d have to connect it all. So what’s the what’s the model for that connecting every consumer on the planet to every retail on the planet has already been done. Amazon did it 15 years ago, but it’s now the largest retailer on the planet bar none. And the early investors experienced life altering upside.
Now, water is a bigger market. So what we do is we duplicate the marketplace paradigm using the roadmap laid down by Amazon now because they went first. We can avoid a lot of the delays and mistakes that were inherent in being first, and that can speed up our timeline. But what if we added something that didn’t exist in the Amazon days like something to speed it up faster? And that would be FinTech digital currency where we could make see major disruptions like cellular and video streaming and online retail, but this time in water and again, water has the capability to prevent millions of illnesses and deaths. So we have the answer.
So first, let me reintroduce the company a little bit a little bit about US. Public company since 2008 achieved classic water engineering with decentralized technology. We are ideally suited for the small to midsize company and remote location, enabling them to do their own water treatment. And now they can do it with no CapEx. And we did this in four stages of synergy, which I’ll lay out.
First, we have a subsidiary we bought years ago. Twenty five year old company build to order. Best fabrication ability, probably in the market, and that’s their competitors that say that. Fifty thousand to five million is their niche. Taking off. We tripled our sales, booked sales,, more than tripled it year over year.
To give you some context, that’s about ten times better than what make an ordinary water company pop the champagne. So really, really powerful. And by taking this, going from $4 million a year to $12 million a year over year is hard because you’re still selling to people who have to have money. Going from 12 million to thirty six million is potentially far easier because they’re going to be pre-funded.
So this explosive multiple growth that we experienced this year can conceivably be continued for years to come by shifting over to Water on Demand. Go ahead next.
So we now we do we took this fabrication technology, the ability, and we made it portable, we made it modular, then we made it drop and go absolutely vital for anyone who has to have a kind of a remote sited prefabricated solution. They solve big problems with on site water systems rapidly without infrastructure, without that long sales cycle.
Ok, next step. We’ve been we’ve been selling these successfully for a long time, and I’ll give you a list of who we’ve kind of dealt with over the years. So housing developments, animal farms, mobile home parks, RV campgrounds, you name it, we’ve been selling these successfully because they solve the problem without infrastructure.
But we do know from our own experience, eight out of 10 targets struggle with capital of credit. What we did is we made this, we made Wall Street the underwriter of this new micro utility asset class.
So this this kind of almost closes the loop here. Water on Demand is designed to deliver a fully funded micro utility to all those businesses I listed earlier, and more small businesses are in the U.S. are almost half of our $18 trillion economy.
So by making this a PAY-GO system, you go from selling to blessing. It’s much easier to sell a million dollar piece of equipment when the guy you’re selling it to isn’t even the one paying for it. Right? That now opens us up to anyone, anywhere, regardless of capital or credit. We’ll keep the assets which enables us to uplift to a national exchange as well. All part of the plan.
So here’s how. Here’s how the process works. Water purchase agreement like a power purchase agreement. The quality is guaranteed in the contract, you don’t pay for something you can’t use, and it’s also indexed for water rate inflation. Very, very, very important with what’s happening with our dollar.
Other than that, it works like your current arrangement for internet telephone electricity. Two main differences Those facilities deliver your service from someplace else far away through infrastructure, whether it’s, you know, pipes or wires. This is going. So basically what you’re doing is you’re buying the milk and they keep the cow. They own the cow. This service will be delivered the same way we own the cow. You only pay for the milk you use, but it will be on your property. Solving the dirty water on site because all water problems have to be solved that way.
So remote monitoring 24 hour a day, seven days a week guarantees every drop of water passing through the system meets the contract quality standard or you don’t pay. Second main difference here, guys, I’ve said this to all of you folks, those services I mentioned water, internet, phone, electric, every one of them charge you regardless of the quality they deliver. We’ve not only made this a capital free endeavor, we’ve made it a risk free endeavor because they don’t have to pay for water that they can’t discharge or or reuse.
So the end user goes about their life, they run their business, they never have to worry. It’s a simple, elegant subscription model. We handle everything. It’s total outsourced water where it’s needed. We go from salesmen to focusing on decades of service. Managed services are, the margins are many, many, many times that of a one time sale.
So the benefit to the client, that’s obvious, right? No CapEx, you know, you only pay for what you get. The benefit to us and our shareholders and the water industry more broadly is this model is many, many times more profitable.
So here’s how we solve the capital problem without government money. Manhattan Street Capital is preparing to launch a $300 million fund, it’s going to somewhat resemble a SPAC at something between a SPAC and a bunch of oil and gas LPs.
But the $300 million, as you can see, we retain two hundred and ninety nine million dollars of assets. It’s very hard to see a company with a third of a billion dollars in assets not have nearly a billion dollar market cap, especially considering the lower line. It’s throwing off almost $6 billion in revenue over twenty five years. This is very slow revenue, yes, but it’s an annuity. Large big water companies love annuities and it even filters down to $2 billion on our bottom line in our pro forma.
Ok, so this begins a cycle of Wall Street funded micro utilities. What asset invest? And here’s why I think they jump in. What an asset investor is going to say no to twenty five percent per year for life, plus a minimum on top of 100 percent return in the form of the parent company’s underlying stock on top. S
o there’s an entire pool of investors that have trillions of dollars of capital that I think will anxiously fund this new asset class. And I think here, that’s a problem that solves itself. And here’s how we can create a big megaphone and get a global audience very rapidly.
So our digital currencies. Ok. $H2O™, first, this is to streamline the Water on Demand payments. You’re going to have, you’re pegging the pay per gallon model now, which is inflationary defensive, to water rates, which which already dramatically outpace inflation, this this makes this model actually do better in a high inflation environment than maybe even in a tame environment.
It allows investors to collect really incredible returns. We can see growth directly in response to the falling dollar, so the payments that they receive should grow as the dollar weakens and it’s relative. They’re not actually, it’s not growing, but they’re not losing buying power.
So this is a digital bearer-bond that can be easily transferred to heirs or sold at a discount for the, you know, so the future income, you know, in exchange for an immediate cash out, and it potentially can create a global water market.
So our second part of our dual token universe is also in development. ClearAqua™. It’s going to help develop and accelerate what I think rapid global adoption of this asset class and the problems that it solves. We can obviously early investors will receive token allocation of this asset once it launches. I don’t get into the tokenomics. It’s got to be a one on one conversation.
So recapping stage one, we can build anything, anywhere, and we’re the best at it, stage two. We took that capability and made everything portable, modular ability to drop anywhere. Ok, cut the cord. Stage three. Water on Demand makes everything no capital up front. We break that. We break that cycle, right? We become the micro utility and stage for those first three stages make this whole process work. Stage four is designed to even provide further protection in a very uncertain future with a failing dollar and potentially create a worldwide water market.
So the opportunity we’ve got security at principle. We’ve got fabulous yield, unlimited potential upside in the form of a grand parent company stock. We’ve got additional warrant coverage of up to six fold. And finally, we’re allocating a percentage of tokens, right? So adding $H2O to this payment stream acts as the second powerful inflation hedge.
These yields can be paid and held in a crypto wallet, so no pay stream that you get right now is going to immediately respond to inflation. Not oil prices. Not rents. Nothing. So if you don’t immediately pull out your yields in these assets or other assets and reinvest them, you’ll lose buying power almost instantly.
We think because of the way this is set up, this will respond like so many cryptocurrencies trade directly counter to inflation and preserve buying power as the dollar weakens. These yields in crypto can be, and Riggs and I love this term, you’re basically obtaining a free put on the U.S. dollar.
Riggs: So you really you’re betting that the that you’ll make money as the dollar goes down.
Ken: Correct.
Riggs: Amazing.
Ken: So, so here’s our timeline let’s go from now to the end of the year. So you’re going to get this asset. This thing is going to be a security thing. You’re going to get yield. That’s great. You’re going to get all the stock. How does this stock go up? Great tripling our booked sales in twenty twenty one could translate to a major major revenue increase in twenty twenty two. The market loves multiples in growth. I think that affects the market. Now, as of October, here’s I think where are we breaking news here Riggs?
Riggs: Is it. Well, I broke it on CEO updates. So go for it.
Ken: Oh, OK, so I’ll do my Walter Cronkite. Twenty ninth of October, twenty twenty one we launched the pilot of first Water on Demand, so we got the first funding banked and immediately, I think what was 48 hours, we went into negotiation on the first Water on Demand contract, correct?
Riggs: No, actually, it was the same day. So the money, the money you were shepherding in from our first investor hit the bank on Friday. And at the same time, our and the project is this mobile home park in Pennsylvania that Dan has been talking about decided, Yeah, we want to do this. So these things happen on the same day.
Ken: That’s and that’d be a great maybe a tough act to follow, but let’s try. Right? No. So all of this happens now. So I put these checkpoints because this is already done. This is not this is not drawing board. The ClearAqua white paper is already in review and the H2O token is already in design. So between now and the end of the year, I believe all of these will be checkmarks as accomplishment.
Now going into next year, Twenty twenty two. Manhattan Street Capital comes in. They launched this portal, same thing that funded Impossible Foods, who’s going public in a couple of months, they’re very competent at this. The Water on Demand programs begin to generate assets. Look, if you want to have $20 million in twenty twenty two in assets, all you have to do is secure $20 million in funding.
Coincidentally, if you want to guarantee you’ll have $20 million in sales in twenty twenty two, you can also do that by by shepherding in $20 million in probably the hottest asset class in the marketplace. And I explain why. Ok, so that’s huge and we can continue this, this tremendous growth.
Ok, so ClearAqua network, I think we’ll launch it in January. The token starts playing profit shares, and at this point, I think we’ve quickly outpaced our own manufacturing capability. We’re going to be bringing in other water companies to help build these, this new asset class and of course, PhilantroInvestors working on their international channels to shepherd in folks from around the world to take advantage of this new very hot asset class.
Twenty twenty three. A brand new micro utility asset classes form a great alternative to oil and gas and commercial real estate where our stock is at this point, I can’t even speculate. But getting past the fact that again, I have to say it, it prevents millions of illnesses and deaths. It has life altering wealth creation potential.
You saw that $300 million proforma generate $6 billion in revenue over twenty five years. So not only is that more than sufficient to be on a major national market. Think of the model for a minute, folks. That’s a 20x revenue to asset model that should make us irresistible acquisition target by Evoqué or American Water Works or one of the other big guys. Here’s why.
Whoever owns us owns the other four trillion dollars of water market that can only be accessed by bypassing infrastructure. So these big three guys bounce off each other, kind of all doing business in the $1 trillion space. There’s plenty of business there, but they’ll never they’ll never conquer the other. They all operating in that previous century model. By purchasing this, innovation grants them supremacy in the marketplace.
That’s it. And then there’s me. So that’s so. And look, you can hear me. I’m excited because all of this stuff, you know, this used to be a very long term concept for us. This is like on the calendar now. This stuff, you know, we have it marked on our calendars, which is super exciting.
Riggs: I’m going to quickly flip to the disclaimers so that we have we’ve been discussing an investment which is under Regulation D, and it’s relies on an exemption, then this is therefore not registered with the Securities Exchange Commission.
End of presentation
So with that in mind, I’m going to flip to the chat that was happening while you were talking and there were a couple of questions that we will answer.
For example, John Mendoza asked, “How do you know the quality of the water?” and. I stated up here in the top right, these systems utilize sensor arrays to report to the operations center, so it’s basically a network operating center operations center model.
Michael Moreno has a very nice thing to say, but he, as you say, works for us.
Barrett, Lieber, “Do you filter rainwater?” And I said, Well, we focus on it industrial wastewater treatment, but we are now purifying incoming water for a major hotel.
And by the way. My friends, we have this major hotel that I’ve been talking about for a long time where we are installing this, this ultra pure water system, you will be hearing about it, it’s been installed and we’re just getting to where the actual hotel is up and running. But for us, rainwater is just another water source.
And finally, Michael Marino brought up digital currency. “Any other competitors?” And no, there are no other digital another. There is a coin called water DeFi, which is just a meme coin. It’s just, Hey, it’s water, dude. But it doesn’t do anything. You just exchange
Ken: Dollar water for your Shiba. You can trade it for your Shiba.
Riggs: There you go. It’s like trades, dollar, water and dollar ice. It’s whatever it is. It’s it’s it’s the ice cooler down down the hallway and the motel. But so we are really the first went to market with the digital currency for water assets, and we will you will be able to if you want to watch the show, of course, you can go to my show and do so, but you just saw it tonight.
Virtual Booth
And with that, I’m going to show you we have a virtual booth. The interactive virtual hall at at the with seven company videos and downloads. And we got a lot of people cycling through these. This is a lot of of action that has been very productive for us, so we’re very happy with it. Flipping quickly because, you know, we don’t like to move much past forty five minutes.
Secured Asset
We the reason why we’re starting to see funding is because we had this bright idea to create what we call the $5 million club. There is a major reason why this thing’s called the five million dollar club, and it’s an investment in this secured asset. They I won’t get into it because we can went through it in the presentation, but there’s a hidden feature that you don’t have to put in $5 million to get that sweet spot. And that is what is bringing in. Well, I think, Ken, that you’re you’ve you’ve got commitments, what for?
Ken: I think we have a million. Yeah, but I mean. A million yeah, they’re a little soft. The last 200000, a little soft, but we’re working on it. But yeah, we’ve got we’ve got about seven, fifty eight hundred in transit.
Riggs: Yes. So I want to make it clear this is not money that is used to pay payroll, this is money that goes directly into water assets and turns into sales. In a way you could say that we’re acquiring revenue by bringing investors in into this prepaid water systems that people then get for no money up front. And now we automatically get an asset in revenue.
It’s a very sweet model, and as Ken says, he feels that he can get to a million dollars in November through shepherding all this in the the offer is a fantastic offer. I won’t get into it, but you need to talk if you are an accredited investor.
If you’re one of our faithful and you need to talk to Ken about the sweet spot, it is beautiful. Here’s how I talked to him. Oswego I’m going to give you the secret address, which is, can be, gets you directly to Ken without bypassing the…
Ken: So I have to be all right.
Riggs: So, yeah, exactly. Or you can email us or or phone him, of course. So I wanted to thank you for being here. There’s lots more news coming every single week. We are in high speed mode. We’re going to start interviewing some of these asset investors that are coming in.
Audience Questions and Comments
Let me just take a look quickly at some of the chats that have been coming in because there is a lot.
Ok, Bob Roos, “Are there current test results for effectiveness of Pondster?” Yes, there are current test results. We, for example, we did a test this week and we learned that we had we needed more alkalinity. So we’re basically tweaking the system. And, you know, we’re going to get out there. You know what you do. You’re building a biosphere in a way that’s a wrong term. Basically, it’s a like what’s in your gut, right? It’s a benign bacterial environment in that pond. And so the bacteria has to attach itself to that wonderful nano ceramic that we’ve been showing you. So we’re basically working our way through it.
Chris Wirth wants to know, “Is there any certifications the assigned operator has to have to operate the human, the system, human waste, animal waste, industrial waste to specifications?” And the answer is yes, we have. The way these things work is there is a local water expert assigned to manage the program. It is not done by the client who knows nothing, obviously, and there are permits required now. The city and the county are very, they love it. They’re very happy to give permits because obviously they want the water to be cleaned.
2White Arrows, “Do you revive a freshwater aquifer?” Very good question. We’ve actually done it. Progressive Water treatment has taken an entire aquifer and cleaned it up. How do you do it just the same way as you eat an elephant in small bites, you put a circulating pump with reverse osmosis and you just keep circulating through circulating through and the millions of gallons over time become clean. And it’s been done. We should probably go back and document that because it was a great project.
Ok, Khadijah McFadden wants to know, “In which platforms would the coin be available?” Ok, so there’s two coins. One of them, of course, is dollar H2O, which is for accredited investors only. And that is a wrapper. There’s talk of it being a serialized token or an NFT. What is an NFT? A non-fungible token, meaning non exchangeable token? It is unique, and FTX has a whole marketplace that’s now doing, it went from one billion to $10 billion in a matter of a month or two. So that that is probably what the platform would be now over on the ClearAqua side, which is intended to be a utility token that would operate on its own wallet and eventually go through Uniswap and end up on the decentralized exchanges and eventually, of course, on Kraken or Binance or Coinbase, of course, with success.
All right now, Billy Alexander says, “Great presentation, but I would like to know where is the source of water coming from?” Ok, our primary business is to clean the dirty water. 80 percent of all dirty water is never cleaned at all. That is a scandal and it is creating illness. So our job is to create the, to clean the water that’s coming out now.
So typically the water is coming from the city, the municipality right now, as you and I know that water is usually not great. So we have a project which we are going to unveil very shortly because it’s installed. And the only reason we haven’t talked about it is because the hotel itself has not opened, but we are super purifying all the water into this prestige hotel. One of the top prestige chains in the world that makes every single. A drop of water in that hotel, ultra pure in the showers, in the kitchen. Not just that bottle on the dresser. So we are now in the business of cleaning the incoming water as well.
All right. Ray wants to know, “Compare your end user cost to the cost from other sources.” Very good question. We believe based on experience of other players such as Cambrian Innovations, which has done a wonderful job. They’re a private company in the same space as us. They have saved their customers money as opposed to the customer have. In this case, they do a lot of breweries. Their specialty is breweries, as opposed to sending the water to the municipality to treat, which is very high water rates. They save money by treating it themselves and being able to recycle it. So A. Lower cost because they’re treating it themselves, and B, they get more than one turn out of the water, which again reduces cost. So we think it’s going to be very favorable and we’ll be generating the models.
Jing Yun Yang, “Thanks so much for another informative webinar. Glad to see new technology that actually implemented.”
And Michael Carlson, “Thanks.” Thank you.
Bill Alexander, “Do you know the pH after testing?” All I know is that when it was tested in this pond, it was low. By low, I believe that it was slightly acidic, which is not great to sustain the bio culture that is supposed to be in there. So that is the solution is to create to install a soda ash adder is simply add soda ash to the system to balance out the alkalinity in the waste pond. We are not adjusting alkalinity of drinking water. We’re just doing alkalinity of the dirty pond water so that the beneficial bacteria can treat it.
All right. Well, that’s been a lot of a fantastic questions, and I really appreciate everyone jumping in. I love it when people ask questions. Please keep doing so. You will have another amazing briefing next week if you’re not registered already. Jump in. We want to see you Ken, I want to thank you for having done a great job today and doing it again. Thank you. Thank you. Because you know what? Hey, friend, do it again.
Ken: That’s right.
Riggs: All right, everyone. Thank you so much and thank you to Heather for the translation tonight. I’m going to switch off and everyone have a great great weekend and I wish you all the very best. Good night. Bye, guys. Still on.
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