This briefing really demonstrates the importance of understanding that the basic common denominator of everything a successful business is built around is – PEOPLE! So, perhaps the real brilliance of Water On Demand is the combination of Modular Water’s ability to scale technology DOWN to create micro-utilities for businesses and other communities of people… With an everyday investor Fintech model that possesses virtually unlimited capability to rapidly scale access to those micro-utilities UP! How far up? Find out in the replay!
Every CEO Briefing should be this fun! We heard from Consumer Energy Solutions CEO, Jim Mathers (who then joined us LIVE!) all about why onsite, modular, decentralized energy solutions are the best answer for corporate sustainability, and how they relate to water. Actually, it’s spookily similar! Hiring decentralized wastewater treatment genius, Dan Early, and developing his Modular Water Systems was our first great move, when you then factor in the opportunities that Water On Demand makes possible… It isn’t any overstatement that they are truly amazing. But a totally new organic synergy emerged in this briefing that gives a real glimpse at the potential global humanitarian impact of our mission. Want to know what it is? Find out in the replay!
Once in a very rare while we encounter an innovation or development that is just breathtakingly brilliant. So, when you first get the real insight into the potential of Modular Water Systems (MWS) that Dan Early makes a reality in this briefing, don’t be surprised if you experience one of those exhilarating rollercoaster ride “stomach-drops,” But that isn’t even the most compelling part… It’s the unique, individual-investor-favoring combination of Fintech and Aquatech called Water On Demand which MWS in only one component of! And what makes it so brilliant? Find out in the replay!
We teased this briefing as how to build resiliency through distributed water management systems, and the scoop on how that initiative is developing is exciting, But the real show stopper was the briefing from Dan Early on adoption of the Water On Demand model by Real Estate developers… The interest in areas like Texas where development is booming is not only keen but the organic growth factor and potential market share? Just WOW! How BIG is the demand? You’ll find out in this replay video!
You’ll see from the news items in this briefing that infrastructure stress and failures are becoming increasingly common place, and resultantly, demand for workable technology and solutions is at an all-time high. The question is, with today’s soaring inflation, lack of funding, supply-chain challenges and unpredictable leadership can we possibly meet that demand? OriginClear’s answer – GAME ON! When you get the “peek under the hood” that is this briefing, see the powerhouse we are creating and feel the excitement that is building you’ll understand! See why in the replay!
It became evident from the news items covered in this briefing that a number of major infrastructure demand drivers are creating a perfect storm. But what became even more evident is that our overall strategy correctly predicted it and is lining up with that demand… The new strategic fabrication partner we announced, a proven top drawer PR firm retained, tactical industry outreach and even a new water crypto with breathtaking potential. What does it all mean? Well, start with a hope for a clean water future, but the really exciting part? Find out in the replay!
Infrastructure stress is already outstripping grid capacities and with growing populations will only get worse. Since funding isn’t coming from the government demand is rising for alternative solutions… And that is opening the door to a new commodity based finance solution – water! How can water as an asset become a competitor to other asset classes? Find out in this video!
The year end review demonstrates our focus on delivery of last year’s stellar sales. But the real “goose bump factor” is how it projects out over the next 3 years*, and where Water On Demand starts to really weigh in… What does that mean for OriginClear’s future? Find out in the replay!
Our acquisition strategy is rapidly gaining relevance in light of the de-globalization trend and upswing in reshoring manufacturing to America. OriginClear veteran Bill Charneski, our VP Mergers & Acquisitions, filled us in on the details… Keynote: The planned acquisitions are not only profitable and complementary to our overall plan but are EXCITED about coming on board! To really understand why consider the answer to this question: What synergies could an “ideal” combination of leading water companies create? Find out in the replay! (Important: there is no guarantee these acquisitions will be achieved.)
We cover in this briefing how layoffs of highly paid professionals are hampering real estate and other values, but meanwhile advanced manufacturing is on a tear. But what does that mean for water? As it turns out, the explosion of AI, sophisticated robotics and automation all have a common denominator… They require clean water infrastructure! Does that mean Water On Demand is also an infrastructure play??? Find out in the replay!
We detail in this briefing exactly how we intend to rapidly scale Water On Demand and YES! It’s all about our acquisition strategy… But what about the market for water? Some time ago we predicted that because economies are shifting from currency based finance to commodity based finance assets like bitcoin and gold would start climbing market charts. But more importantly, we predicted water as an emerging asset class… What does that mean? Find out in the replay!
With centralized water districts allowing private actors to buy up water companies outrage over the control of virgin water sources is “boiling over”…And water rates in affected areas are soaring! But an even bigger concern is the accelerating disintegration of water infrastructure… Is it possible that central facilities could provide affordable, clean water to the people they serve by managing wastewater treatment of Industry and agriculture in a new way? Find out in the replay!
Any interview with COO Tom Marchesello is guaranteed to be interesting. In this interview his analysis was amazing. With the growing domination of digital applications, data center expansion is soaring. It’s a $Trillion industry. But overheating is a huge problem… And for us, a mega opportunity. We already have big-name client data center projects, but next stage? Data centers are turning to liquid cooling with insulating fluid made with soy oil…Which means agriculture, another $Trillion industry we have been operating in for years. And all that requires properly treated water! With manufacturing being reshored to America, and accelerating adoption of decentralization, OriginClear and our Water On Demand are sitting right in the proverbial sweet spot. Why is that? Find out in the replay!
How could an investment in water be more liquid than real estate but carry the lower risk factor of structured products and equities? In this briefing we’ll show you how Water On Demand does exactly that! But what may be even more awe-inspiring is the accelerating adoption, scalability and potential of its prefab, modular infrastructure and the promise it offers businesses and developing communities… How do those two integrate from an investors point of view? Hint: It’s powerful… Find out why in the replay!
In the pending merger, Water On Demand is valued at $32 million. What’s OriginClear’s share of this? How does that play out for OriginClear? In this briefing, our CEO answered that in detail, including how OCLN benefits through consolidation. What’s that? Find out in the replay! We’re making Water As An Asset work for the everyday investor, not the Ashton Kutchers of the world, who made 157,143% on his investment in AirBnb! Find out in this replay how OriginClear leads the new generation of retail-funded startups. Enjoy this amazing, informative and fun briefing!
Why does our announcement of a Definitive Agreement to merge with a Nasdaq-listed blank-check company make us so irrepressibly optimistic? Well, if we hadn’t just pulled off birthing the corporate equivalent of a hybrid, water super-hero — maybe we wouldn’t be so cocky! But when you factor in the strength of Modular Water’s ground-breaking technical solutions, Progressive Water’s 25 year history of American heartland excellence with the aggressive acquisition program we have for software developers, veteran engineering and a localized service network… You’ll see that the vision is actually taking shape. What impact will that have on water, people’s well-being and the growth-path of the planet’s most vital new asset class? Find out in the briefing replay!
Sam Altman pointed out that the number of 25 year old startup entrepreneurs is declining — is the risk too great or is some other factor shutting them out? And how does this apply to the water industry? Well with 7 million jobs becoming available due to the industry’s “silver tsunami”, job openings are plentiful… But not in centralized facilities — in the blossoming privatized water sector! That’s one reason we’re targeting aggressive acquisition of growing, independent companies to complete the Water On Demand strategy. What does this mean to investors considering the potential of an investment in water? Find out in the replay!
The headline says salt water intrusion is encroaching on New Orleans drinking water. It’s the type of infrastructure related problem we are seeing more and more frequently — drinking the water not only endangers people’s health but the salt water leaches lead from the old pipes into the water… In fact, our Progressive Water division is literally building a series of high-speed, reverse osmosis filtration systems for them right this minute to supply millions of gallons of clean drinking water. But what about a long-term remedy — is there a way to materialize a sophisticated, scalable and highly adaptive network that embraces today’s water challenges? Yes, it’s called the Water On Demand Network and you’ll love where it’s going! See it in the replay.
We periodically step back and take a broad look at the big picture — global economics, inflation and productivity, what’s declining — what’s arising. You know — proven, reliable indexes. Experienced investors may have their favored avenues of investment, but the wise ones keep a sharp eye out for emerging assets. So what did the data tell us about water as an investment? Well if it wasn’t crystal clear from the review that water is a rising star, the CEO’s presentation of our Series Y offering totally dispelled any doubts… Water is HOT! Why do we say that? Catch the details in this replay and you’ll understand!
We went behind the scenes with our COO, Tom Marchesello, who gave us the scoop on the booming delivery at Progressive Water Treatment (PWT). After merging with Water On Demand, which already commands the innovative Modular Water technology, PWT was additionally spotlighted when it became the newly designated acquisition target of Fortune Rise Acquisition Corporation. It’s no coincidence Progressive Water is slated to become the Flagship given their 25 year history of excellence and the demand for their services from major brand companies including power utilities. But what does all that mean for OriginClear shareholders and the future of water? Plenty! Get the details in the replay!
We looked at how having water self-reliance can mean the difference between survival and catastrophe when faced with natural disasters, which just makes our mission to decentralize water all the more important. Thankfully our vision is starting to catch on and is becoming reality! What does that mean for the future of water? Find out here in the replay!