Transcript from recording: Riggs: Hi everyone. This is Riggs Eckelberry. It is the last recording of the year, and so I thought I would take the opportunity to talk a little bit about what’s in store, both at the highest levels, the largest scale and specifically resulting for our company.
Transcript from recording: Riggs: Good evening, everyone. It is the 12th of December and we’re racing towards Christmas holidays, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, whatever you like. I keep hearing people say that they can’t believe how fast things are going. Because we spent half of our time being mesmerized by Facebook, before we know it, boom, time has passed. That’s my theory and I’m sticking with it.
Transcript from recording: Riggs: Good evening. And it’s Thursday, December 5th. And it’s great having you on board after an interruption of a couple of weeks as we went through first this amazing trip to Spain and then, of course, the US Thanksgiving. Most of you have seen the press release, the video and so forth. If not, I recommend that you watch the super cool video that has been presented on our Facebook page, That’s also on our website and we’ll be publishing it very shortly in the MoneyTV that I just did today.
Transcription from recording: Riggs: Good evening everyone. It is the 14th of November and lots of interesting things are happening, so I’m going to get right on to it. Today I was on Money TV talking about our return to the Permian. A couple of years ago, we had a project on the Permian that went well.
Transcription from recording: Riggs: All right, let’s set the stage here because we’ve been going on about this $1 trillion to $5 trillion number and what the heck does that mean for OriginClear? Now, an additional thing that I want to comment on,
(Transcript From Recording) Riggs: Good afternoon, everyone. Good evening for you guys on the East coast and this is the CEO briefing of the 24th of October and this could be the last one of the month, and I’m very privileged to have with us Mr. Daniel M. Early, Professional Engineer.